Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Spook Country

Holy crap! William Gibson has a new book coming out this summer! It's called "Spook Country" and, according to his site, seems to be about surveillance, journalism, and drug-use. There is a great video on his website in which he talks about writing the book. It's worth taking a look at, which you can do here.

I loved Gibson's last book, "Pattern Recognition," a novel which seemed to predict by just a couple of years the very modern obsession some folks have with seeking meaning in internet video. (LonelyGirl15 anyone?)

PC Magazine did a very short interview with Gibson in February which you can read here. I quite like this response Gibson gives when he's asked where he thinks technology is headed:

"I've always assumed that we'll have fewer things, but things that do more. I think that what will seem strangest, or cutest, about our consumer tech, when the future looks back at it, will be how we had a phone for phoning, a TV for watching TV, a computer. All these one- function platforms will seem fabulously quaint."

I think Gibson's right...there will always be certain devices which do a task, however, modern consumers seem to be looking for more one-stop devices, like the iPhone.

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